The Sunday List~The Gospel of Prosperity

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Sunday is a good day to slow down and take in a few words. What did you read this week? Here’s my Sunday List.


This week, some themes emerged across the internet, some hard but good themes. It seems I’m not the only one dealing with the vile and creeping effects of prosperity theology.

In “A Corner on God’s Goodness,” Amber writes about Titus. “Often we act like the beautiful, privileged ones have a corner on God’s goodness. Is a life more because it’s long, less because it’s short?” she asks. I know she’s my wife, but this is some of the most authentic, poetic, and pointed pieces of writing I’ve read in a while. Take a look and share your thoughts.

In “Faith Miracles and Modern Day Fools,” Jennifer Dukes Lee shares the story of her husband, a farmer who finds himself utterly at the mercy of the divine providence. His theology? Simple. “God’s got it,” he says. Expounding, Lee says, “[o]ur Gospel is not rooted in prosperity, but in a place of suffering: the Calvary cross.” Lee builds a solid framework for understanding the message of the Gospel. I reckon that’s one of the highest compliments I could give a person.

In “Have Everything, Possess Nothing,” Glynn Young continues the theme, writing about the modern church’s brief obsession with the book The Prayer of Jabez in mid-90s. “Material blessings are not a sign of how good a Christian you are, or whether you have sufficient faith,” Young says. Glynn writes straight. No nonsense. Visit his place for this appropriately scathing piece on faith, material, and being possessed by possessions.

Matt Mooney takes on Pat Robertson. Cliche? Not this time. Mr. Robertson makes statements about adoption wherein he underscores a fundamental misunderstanding of the Gospel. Matt holds no bars in his excoriating piece “A Response to Patty.” He writes:

I want to hate you for your misrepresentation of the Jesus that I know. The one who called me and my wife this year to travel to Ukraine in order to bring a little girl named Lena back home and into our family.

This one might be a little strong (even for me) if I didn’t know Matt. He and his wife are two of the most gentle and humble people I have ever met. They know the Gospel.

And speaking of good gospel understandings, can we pray for His kingdom coming today? Let Shaun Groves and my friend Mike Lewis lead the way.

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5 Responses to The Sunday List~The Gospel of Prosperity

  1. Robin Dance says:

    “Pointed,” “scathing,” “excoriating”…all rather sharp words that DO beg me to read each post. You have quite the persuasive way, Mr. Haines.

  2. rachel says:

    hey seth. i have been reading your blog for a bit and i have also been following amber too. i find both of ya’lls words a breath of fresh air. you both have interesting and thoughtful things to say. i find myself relating to amber so much. sometimes she writes something and i think how i feel the same way but could never express it in words as wonderfully as she does. i appreciate your open hearts and i will be praying for your family and titus. i can tell God is doing something through this that only he can do.


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